How can language competency inspires teacher to go global in education? 
A great thing to discuss. When it's about a language competency, it is content a lot of skill in the language and not just dedicate to speaking skill but also an ability to understand the language well. While the phares 'go global in education' here mean how can language shaping a teacher who can engage in a wide scope of thing and issues  around the world and not only stick to surrounding thing. High competency in language especially English playing important role in an educator since English is an international language and most spoken second language in the world. So, it is important for an educator to master in English language beside their native language because the more language they know the more knowledge they gain.

 First of all, an educator who have a high competency of language can explore  variety of culture from others ethnicity around the world. This can make class will be more interesting and can increase student's knowledge about others culture outside of their own culture. Information about others culture usually deliver in English since it is a second language in the world and not a lot of information about this thing available in our native language. So with a high competency of English language , a teacher can understand well about others culture's information either it in a form of video or writing  and can develop it into a short explaining that can make it easy for a student to understand without changing the original meaning.  Now days, there is also a lot of issues regarding a using of slur word for a certain ethnicity and culture appropriation happened in society. Basically, culture appropriation is the inappropriate or unacknowledged adoption of an element in a culture by others member of another culture. Lack of knowledge in others people culture usually lead to an ignorance about this issues. So, an educator who understand well about others culture can help to educate their students to respect others culture and celebrate a differences that exist between all culture around the world. Moreover,  this help student to understand well what is a differences between culture appreciation and culture appropriation. This can produce a powerful young generation that are free from racism and can reduce culture appropriation from happening.

Furthermore , a competency in language also can help an educator to widen their view on some issues and thing. With a competency in language, a teacher not only viewing something based on one perspective but different perspectives from people around the world and make a comparison which perspective is more valid and make sense. Usually, people from around the world love to share their perspective and opinion in media social platform such as Twitter and Facebook that they deliver in English. So, with a competency in English language, this is not  a problem for an educator to understand well their sharing and perspective.  Next, this thing will lead to a teacher's career and skill development. This is because an educator who not only making an analysis and teaching something based on one view of person and can make a better comparison by going through others people idea will come out with a magnificent output of knowledge. Their career is not only stick as an educator who are knowledgeable in basic idea that exist around them but also knowledgeable in idea that are a result of their skill on going through others people's perspective around the world. This also will create a teacher that always expand their way of thinking and have a strong stance on something that are not easy to break by unconvincing opinion from others people. This can help a teacher to explore their students way of thinking then make it easy to for the teacher to explain all of their student's confusion about some matter in class.

 As what had been mentioned earlier, competency in language is not only about how can a teacher understand the language but also can communicate effectively in the language. Effective communication is not just about exchanging information but also to understand emotion behind the information. This can help to prevent misunderstanding, conflict ensue and frustration happen in communication. Likewise, effective communicating skill is needed to make sure audience receive and understand the information that had been delivery. Educator who can communicate effectively in their not mother tongue language surely has an ability and incredible skill in communicating because it's not easy to build this skill that are not originality you grow up with. Next, effective communication will lead a teacher to widen their social networking that not only dedicate to surrounding society but also around the world. With a wide social networking, an educator can gain a lot of information between a person that had different way of thinking from around the world. Exchanging information process will not be stressfully when we can understand well the language.

To sum up everything, language competency is important element for an educator to push themselves into another level of learning and teaching progress. High competency in another language can help the educator to bring their students into different and unique side of the world. A good an intelligent educator is an educator who want to improve their knowledge in a bigger scope and not only stuck on surrounding thing. That's all from me, thank you for reading 😊 
